Want To Improve Your Workplace Culture? Practice Gratitude!

It wouldn’t be the holiday season without the mention of being GRATEFUL for this or that. To be honest, I sometime bristle at the “Be Grateful”, “Blessed”, “So Thankful” narrative that we tend to hear all too often, especially this time of year!

The overuse can start sounding cliche’ and uninspiring. But, as much as we use the word grateful, there is no denying that the practice of gratitude is scientifically proven to improve our lives in so many ways, even at work!

Can being grateful really improve your workplace culture and how employees show up at work?

The answer is a resounding YES! Research shows that the act of expressing gratitude can literally change the way we feel… for the better! Expressing gratitude can: (bethechange.org)


  • Increase a sense of connection, compassion and general WELL-BEING

  • Helps you RECOVER from stressful or traumatic events

  • Improves QUALITY of sleep

  • Keeps you HEALTHIER by boosting your immune system

  • Builds RESILIENCE and improves mental strength

  • STRENGTHENS social and workplace relationships

And I could go on…

How does gratitude IMPROVE the way we feel?

Neuroscientists have found that GRATITUDE activates different areas of the brain, including those that help with forming social bonds. It also creates a feeling of reward in the brain, releasing feel good hormones and chemicals. Who doesn’t want that? (UC Berkley)

As noted above not only does having a gratitude practice make us feel good, it’s increases our PRODUCTIVITY at work! Researchers at the Wharton School found that a group of university fundraisers who received thanks from the school director made 50% more calls than the 2nd unrecognized group. The group that made 50% more calls felt that their work was appreciated, acknowledged and valued which increase organizational loyalty and trust.

So how can you bring more GRATITUDE into your organization or workplace?

There are variety of ways that you create an attitude of gratitude in your workday and organization. The most important thing to remember is that this is something that grows with time and practice. When an organization as a whole or it’s LEADERS adopt a habit of practicing gratitude, it have a powerful shift in employees well-being and company culture. When consistent change is practiced and gratitude is shared among employees and leaders it can easily lead to increased optimism, retention, RESILIENCE, productivity and ENGAGEMENT.

As with any change, implementing a change in attitude and daily engagement will take a bit of effort but WELL WORTH it as it can make incredibly positive changes to your CULTURE. It doesn’t have to be complicated!

Here are some easily implemented shifts that can make a big IMPACT:

  • Start an employee meeting with some KUDDOS and acknowledgements to a few people who have gone above and beyond or helped another co-worker. This BUILDS COMMUNITY, trust, lowers blood pressure and releases those awesome happy hormones! WE ALL WANT TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED AND HEARD.

  • Take the time to WRITE a hand written thank you note to a colleague, mentor or employee sharing your appreciation for their hard work or support. Inc. Magazine believes this to be one of the most powerful things you can do improve morale and create a supportive workforce.

  • Set up a GRATITUDE BOX or a BULLETIN BOARD in the office where co-workers can drop note of acknowledgment, thanks or support for each other. Can be read out loud once a week or given directly to the employee.

  • Share the VOICE OF THE CUSTOMER. Sharing how your work has postively impacted the customer, person or organization you are work with.

  • GIVE BACK! Doing charity work or giving back as an organization in some way make a huge impact on employee MORALE and company loyalty and well… it feels great!

  • Say THANK YOU often! Simple as that, show your appreciation and say a simple thank you as often as it’s warranted.

These are just a few of the many ways you can implement a little more GRATITUDE into your workplace. Mindfulness and Gratitude go hand in hand. How? Gratitude allows you to notice the little things and blessings in your life each day and MINDFULNESS helps you manage tough emotions and events in your life with resilience and acceptance.

The simple act of NOTICING you are thankful for something or a moment etc. is where a shift in thinking and mood can happen.

Need help implementing more GRATITUDE or a MINDFULNESS BASED PROGRAM at your organization? I would welcome the opportunity to help!